The special security raised in China regarding the North Korea president’s visit,
Kim Jong Un, has summits planned with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in late April and with President Donald Trump by May. China has been one of North Korea’s most significant allies even though relations have recently chilled because of Kim’s development of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.
A military honor guard and heavy security were seen in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Monday evening. A spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said she was unknown about the situation and had no further comment.
South Korea’s presidential office said Tuesday it cannot confirm reports that the train carried Kim nor a separate report that Kim’s sister was on board.
Heavy security was placed at the Friendship Bridge before the train passed from North Korea to China, and there were reports of it passing through several stations on the way from North Korea to Beijing.
According to the reports, the green and yellow train appeared very similar to the one that former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un’s late father, took to Beijing in 2011 and has 21 cars.
White House spokesman Raj Shah said Monday the U.S. could not confirm reports that Kim was visiting China.
Shah reiterated Trump’s plans to meet with Kim, saying the U.S.-led international pressure campaign against Pyongyang “has paid dividends and has brought the North Koreans to the table.”
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