Telugu movie audience has been so much excited ever since the announcement of their matinee idol and former Chief Minister Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao’s(NTR) biopic was made. The movie directed by Teja will have NTR’s son Nandamuri Balakrishna playing his father’s role. According to latest reports, the excitement is to get doubled as the movie will also mark the Telugu debut of Bollywood actress Vidya Balan.
Recently, the producer has finalised that Vidya has been roped in for the film and as per sources, the national award-winning actress will be playing the role of NTR’s first wife, Basavatarakam. An official launching function of the film is expected to be held on March 29 in Hyderabad. Vidya is said to be really excited about the film and the character as the film is about someone who had so much influence among the people.
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According to a crew member, director Teja and actor Balakrishna are leaving no stones unturned so as to make the film a perfect tribute to the legendary actor. He also added, “The team has constructed a huge set to shoot a crucial scene featuring Balakrishna for two days immediately after the launch. Incidentally, the shoot will happen at the same place where NTR filmed the first scene of his mythological film Daana Veera Soora Karna. The launch is likely to be graced by Telangana and Andhra Pradesh chief ministers K Chandrasekhara Rao and Nara Chandrababu Naidu, film stars, ministers, MLAs and other dignitaries from the Telugu states.”
It must be noted that Vidya is known for her selection of strong and different characters. Therefore, her inclusion in the film has raised people’s expectations about the film
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