Enga Veetu Mapillai contestant Shriya Surendran, who recently got eliminated from the show, has revealed in a live chat that she doesn’t intend to tie the knot anytime soon.
“I don’t know’, when quizzed if Arya was indeed going to marry a girl from the show. She also added that she had no marriage plans now.
She also added that she didn’t participate in the contest to marry Arya but wanted fame through the show. She posted, “used the platform very well as I don’t have “NOTHING” to do with “ARYA”?!!! well I need to get some movies soon because obviously, that’s my place. late realisation it seems…thanks to people for making me realise !!!”
Shriya had also said that the show is a good way to find a life partner. She added that if it’s genuine, it’s good. She also added that she didn’t know why people wanted Shwetha to cry when Shriya left the show. She was happy that Shwetha was strong. Will Arya indeed marry the title winner of the show, now that we to wait and watch? 16 contestants initially took part in the show out of which only five contestants are remaining- Susanna, Shwetha, Seethalakshmi, Abarnathi and Agatha.
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