Indian economy will become a superpower soon : President Ram Nath Kovind
President Ram Nath Kovind said on Tuesday that that India will become a superpower if the economy continues to grow at the current pace.
“India is the fastest growing economy in the world. If Indian economy continues to grow in the same way we will certainly become a superpower,” said the President while addressing the Indian community in Lusaka.
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President Kovind, who is on a three-nation state visit to the African countries-Equatorial Guinea, Swaziland and Zambia from April 7 to 12, earlier on Tuesday arrived along with First Lady Savita Kovind.
Zambia, the current stop of the President’s Africa tour, is one of the oldest democracies with an uninterrupted and peaceful transition of power. The country has a multi-party democracy since 1991.
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