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Supreme Court of India’s website was hacked by a Brazilian group

The Supreme Court of India’s website has been hacked, according to the reports it was hacked by a Brazilian group. The website currently shows it is under maintenance in progress. The website was allegedly hacked by a Brazilian hacking group. The screenshot shows the Supreme Court website with “hackeado por HighTech Brazil HackTeam” written all over it.

The message also displays to have a picture of a Cannabis leaf with code in its. The message also had lines written in Portuguese, which translate to ‘I love you, beautiful little girl, best friend I ever had and smile my little girl,’ based on the Google Translate app.

Currently, the Supreme Court website is not accessible. Cert-In is the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team. The Supreme Court website went down moments after the court had delivered its verdict in the case of judge Loya’s death.

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Earlier this month, websites of home, defence, law and labour ministries went down in a suspected cyber attack. However, senior officials at the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team attributed this to a “technical configuration issue”.


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