To all those star-gazers out there, check out this beautiful shower that will light up the skies this weekend.
Meteors hailing from the Lyre constellation, or ‘Lyrids’, can be seen from all over the world and if you’re lucky, you can catch the spectacular show.
Peak shower hours will be after midnight on Saturday, April 21 until the early hours of Sunday, April 22, as per official reports.
Residents will be able to see the meteors without the aid of a telescope.
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Depending on how clear the skies are up to 20 meteors per hour will likely be visible overnight on April 21-22 in India, a Chinese news agency reported on Wednesday citing NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
To view the Lyrid shower this weekend, observers should find an area away from light pollution on the night of April 21.
As the waxing Moon may interfere with visibility, the best time to view it is the few hours after the Moon sets.
Special equipment like telescopes and binoculars are not necessary to view the Lyrid meteor shower, which is safe to view with naked eyes.
The Lyrids are classified as a medium-strength shower and are visible every year in April from 16 to 25, according to the Space Science Telescope Institute in in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Lyrid meteor shower is one of the oldest known meteor showers. Records of this shower go back some 2,700 years, according to American astronomer Bruce McClure.
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