Upcoming movie ‘Avengers-Infinity War’ must be breathtaking and masterpiece, assembled by carefully chosen characters ensure the success of this big budget Hollywood piece. There is something must know about the ‘Avengers’ before you go to the theater and watch the amaze.
These are the five things you have to know about ‘ The Avengers-Infinity War’
A solid justification for team-up
The Avengers was not a superhero team-up film just for the heck of it. There was a reason Nick Fury brought together many people with special abilities. The reason was threats that conventional soldiers could not handle. Like the threat of otherworldly beings like Loki and Chitauri.
Eye-popping visuals
The Avengers was an incredibly good-looking film in the sense that it employed a seamless combination of computer generated and practical visual effects that worked well. It was a delight to finally watch the superheroes fighting together as a team to protect the planet.
The Avengers had interestingly sketched characters that made the world of the film a believable construct, which in turn made the experience of the film immersive and the stakes real.
The Avengers had an extraordinary villain with a master plan. Loki managed to manipulate genius-level minds like Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and so on. Sure, it seemed a little derivative, what with Loki deliberately getting caught – like the Joker in The Dark Knight – but the desired result was different enough. The Joker wanted to make Batman insane like him, Loki just wanted to rule the earth. It was only the death of Agent Coulson and a little bit of canniness by Fury that the Avengers finally united to defeat Loki and his Chitauri army.
Avengers are not Avengers without making fun of each other. Tony Stark got to ridicule Thor (“Doth Mother know you weareth her drapes?”) and Cap (“Everything special about you came out of a bottle”) and frankly, even while being a little rude, it made us like Tony even more.
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