This village becomes last village to get electricity,Govt says nation fully electrified
The Last village to be electrified under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana is Leisang village located in Senapati district in Manipur.
As per Government of India, out of 18,452 villages in India that were power deprived 3 years ago, 17,181 have been electrified. Others are uninhabited or classified as grazing reserves.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter and wrote, ” 28th April 2018 will be remembered as a historic day in the development journey of India. Yesterday, we fulfilled a commitment due to which the lives of several Indians will be transformed forever! I am delighted that every single village of India now has access to electricity.”
Also Read : Indian Villages are 100 percent electrified now
“Leisang village in Manipur, like the thousands of other villages across India has been powered and empowered. This news will make every Indian proud and delighted,” he tweeted.
A village is said to be electrified if at least 10% of its households, as well as public places such as schools, panchayat offices and health centers, have access to electricity.
Earlier in 2015, Centre had identified 18,452 villages to be electrified under the Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana.
According to the 2011 census, Leisang has 12 families with 65 people.
Leisang Village of Senapati is around 80 Kms away from Imphal, in the remote area without proper infrastructure.
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