Facebook, the largest social networking site in the world uses about 7500 moderators and complex algorithms to take out texts, videos and other forms of messages that violates it’s rules. Under constant pressure from many governments, facebook has been ever trying to improve its rank on that front. The official word on what facebook is going to do about it is not yet out, however it seemed that yesterday they gave a glimpse of what is about to come.
see also: Find your love on Facebook; new feature plans unveiled
Several facebook users yesterday found a poll question at the end of posts. The question was whether the post contained hate speech in it. If the user clicked yes, they were taken to another page that threw more questions. People, surprised and a little annoyed by the question did use Facebook and twitter itself to vent their frustration.. It looked silly when even harmless posts had the same question popping up.
It was only a week ago that facebook released a detailed rule book on the type of posts it can allow on facebook. The new improvements, if brought to actual practice may not necessarily be a bad thing. On too many occasions facebook had to take down posts and accounts bowing to pressure from higher authorities, the newer version might help them vote against a post and will keep the users informed about why it was taken in the first place.
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