Can anyone forget Karan Johar’s family drama Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham from 2001. With a stellar cast that included Amitabh Bachan, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena kapoor, Rani Mukherjee and much more, the film was a runaway success. The news is that Ekta Kapoor is going to make this film in to a Hindi television show. If the rumours aare to be eblieved the name of the show will be “Dil Hi Toh Hai” .
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The film produced by Yash Chopra managed to collect almost 400 million from the box office. The story of the film was about the Raichand family with Amitabh Bachaan as its head. The Raichand family followed a very strict tradition and when his elder son Rahul( ShahRukh Khan) falls in love with a girl from a ‘not so wealthy’ family, he is not impressed by it. Rahul decides not to marry her against his dad’s wish but he had to in a certain situation. He was then banished from his family and years later Roshan(Hrithik Roshan) learns about it and goes to London to reunite the family.
The plot has a typical ‘bollywoodness’ to it and it looks like it got plenty in to be made in to a Hindi serial. The cast of the serial is yet to be decided but the names that are heard with high probabality to do the roles include Rajat Tokas (from the TV show Jodha Akbar) for ShahRukh Khan and Varun Sood for Hrithik Roshan’s character. Amitabh Bachans role could be taken by Bijoy Anand. Fans are eagerly waiting to see the adaptation of the big screen marvel unfold in their TVs.
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