Amidst growing criticism about China forgetting its roots of Communism and becoming a more capitalist oriented country with every passing day, it seems the government is trying to bring a revival of sorts and show that the country is still holding the principles of Karl Marx. Whether it actually is the case or not, China is organising chat shows with the theme ” Marx was Right” and is putting up cartoons and images of his youth to draw the young generation in to Marxism. Karl Marx 200th anniversary is on Saturday.
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China is one among the major countries of the world that has identified itself as a nation with a socialistic philosophy,but there is a growing criticism of contradiction between the party rhetoric and actual actions. The party’s engine is apparently not moving according to Marxist philosophy. But Xi jingPing , arguably the most powerful leader since Mao Zedong has stressed on the importance to revive Marxism. He has reintroduced sessions to know Marxism and stresses for the need for China to be history. He said that the country should grasp Marxist theory and education and improve the understanding of theoretical and practical meaning of Marxism.

On wednesday, while visiting the prestigious Peking University, Xi said the Institution should be proud of its role in spreading Marxism. Karl Marx is a German philosopher who co-authored ‘The Communist Manifesto’ which basically introduced the concept of socialism as a natural result of the conflicts inherent in the capitalist system. Many revolutions have taken inspiration from his ideologies.
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