Sonam Kapoor is all set to tie the knot with her long-time beau Anand Ahuja on May 8 in a close-knit family affair. Even though, both the bride and groom seem to be in control, it’s the actor’s fans who can’t keep calm.
Right from speculating about her wedding trousseau to what the celebrities will be wearing, there is a lot of buzz on social media. So, when Kapoor and Ahuja’s wedding invites went viral, it was only natural that people would start talking about it.
The wedding invite of the duo is just as elegant as the couple. The theme is nature with a mix of mint and white.
Check the pictures here.
Here is a picture of @sonamakapoor and #anandahuja‘s wedding card!
— KULDEEP RAGHAV™ (@kuldeepraghavv) May 2, 2018
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The wedding of Sonam and Anand was announced on May 1, with a joint statement by the Kapoors and Ahujas. The statement read, “The Kapoor & Ahuja families, take great joy and pride, in announcing the marriage of Sonam & Anand. The wedding will take place on the 8th of May in Mumbai.
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