The government have emphasized and educated the people on cleanliness and the proper use of toilets through various schemes.
And this grandmother has put them into practice.
An 87-year-old woman from the Badali village of Udhampur district, Jammu Kashmir has become a role model for the whole country as she is single-handedly constructing a toilet near her house in a bid to make her village open defecation free.

After the District Administration Team of the village launched many awareness camps about the “Swach Bharat Mission”, educating villagers about the ill effects of defecating in open, Rakkhi took a lead and decided to construct her own toilet.
She is doing the masonry work herself as she does not have money to hire labours.
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While speaking to a leading news channel, Rakki disclosed that from a decade she had been defecating in open without knowing its ill effects.
“I want everyone to use the toilet as defecating in open gives birth to many kinds of diseases. I am poor and don’t have money to build a toilet, hence decided to build the toilet with my own hands without any constructed tool or help. My son made the mud for my toilet after which I levelled the bricks and did the masonry work myself. Within 7 days my toilet will be completed,” she added.
Deputy Commissioner Udhampur praised her work saying, “It is time for people to change their traditional mindset. I was shocked to know that an 87-year-old woman built the toilet herself without any help. I salute the spirit of the woman and everyone should learn a lesson from her.”
The Deputy Commissioner also said that every possible help will be provided to the lady.
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