Heralding a new era of eco-friendly cremation the people in Nagpur, Pune and Panaji advocate a new eco-friendly alternative. The cremation of a single person uses the wood equivalent to two fully grown trees. With all the respect to the sentiments of people who
have lost their loved ones the three North Indian cities are offering a new green alternative

In Nagpur, Vijay Limaye thought much about an option for ‘Green Cremation’.He not only
thought but also persuaded govrnment authorities to undertake it. His idea was to use
briquettes made of agricultural waste instead of wood. The agricultural waste like
cotton plant stalks and rice husks went into the making of briquettes. This idea also helped
farmers to earn revenue by selling the waste making the idea a totally feasible, profitable and sustainable one.

The idea of biomass briquette also known as white coal was proposed first by two Pune corporators, Smitha Vaste and Saraswati Shendge.T he duo got this very idea from UK
where this type of cremation is common.

The feasibility of biomass briquettes
250kg of biomass briquettes is enough to supplement two full grown trees.The Rotary
Club in Panaji encourages the use of these briquettes by giving the first supply of briquettes free of charge to the crematoriums. They have even shared the monetary benefit of this option, so more and more crematoriums adopt it.
Its Cost Effective
The cost of each cremation will come down from Rs.3000 to Rs.1500 by the use of biomass
briquettes. The Rotary Club in Panaji even installed a special steel container which costs about rupees 1.5 lakh in the Panaji Crematorium for free.
If the availability of green cremation briquettes is made common, then it will surely help
many trees from getting cut down and consequently encourage nature in supporting
our lives.
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