The following video is becoming viral in the social media depicting two contrasting approaches that exist in our country towards nationalism. Paying respects to our martyrs, our flag, national anthem and national song mean that we are aware of the struggles, sacrifices and efforts put forward by our valiant sons and daughters of India. Recently there has been a rise in the anti-national slogans and activities under the garb of political freedom in our campuses. This video is an eye-opener and a reminder to those who shun the struggles that our forefathers underwent to achieve the independence that we enjoy. This Video puts the mockery of people who demand Azadi from India and wish for Bharat ki Barbhaathi only for their political and anti-national motives. Value the struggle, Respect the martyrs, Stand up and salute the national flag at correct occasions, feel the spirit of India while you hear the national anthem and national song. Say loudly Jai Hind and Vandemataram.
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