Puppies are cute and when its new born, its irresistibly cute. But apparently Facebook had found problems with the picture of this puppy posted by Dominic Ibaos, because it was reported as an indecent image. Facebook soon notified that the image will be removed because it didn’t meet their community standard, all of this happened because the picture resembled a human penis !
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A rare Xoloitzcuintli – or Mexican hairless – puppy named Dimitri was even banned from a local animal lovers group for its uncanny resemblance with a Penis.

The teenage owner could see the funny side of it all and he shared the notification along with puppy pics on Twitter, which soon went viral.
Dominic, the teenage owner from Davao City in the Philippines, said: “It’s really hard for me to see the penis perspective because when I look at it I always just see the puppy.
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