In 2018, Ramadan will begin in the evening on Tuesday 15 May and end on the evening of Thursday 14 June. Every year the date changes.
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won’t eat or drink between sunrise and sunset. This is called fasting.
Fasting is important during Ramadan as it allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith and come closer to Allah, or God.
It is important during Ramadan to break the fast with a balanced diet ensuring that the essential nutritional needs of your body are met. These include sodium and potassium which are lost due to sweating, especially during summer.
Fasting during Ramadan can improve one’s health, but only if done in a proper manner, if not, it can cause more harm than good. It is important to have self-control when you see a good spread of appetizing meal. The key is to remember that Ramadan is a month to reap rewards and benefits and increase your spiritual connection.
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