Fluids and fibrous foods are ideal for iftar time. Your body needs to be replenished with fluids after the day without. Besides water, other fluids would be soups, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, and salads. Sugary and caffeinated drinks are definitely not a good source to go to: they will actually make you more thirsty the next day.
Fibrous foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains (brown breads, brown rice, couscous, quinoa, brown pasta), lentils (daal, haleem).
Because of its fibrous content and natural sweetness, dates provide healthy sugars to the body as energy and is absorbed by the body at a timely and useful rate.
Low-fat protein foods also provide energy that is expended over a long period of time: eggs, turkey, fish, tofu, lean chicken, garbonzo beans (chole with yogurt).
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