Remember Paul the Octopus ? The popular eight armed creature that predicted the outcome of football matches with precision. If you thought its predictions were all accidental, may be it’s actually not. Perhaps Paul was hiding some alien powers. Yes, a group of 33 scientists from respected Institutions around the world have suggested that Octopuses could have descended from an organic alien material. Their research was published in the Journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Scientists have linked the concept of Panspermia to the rise of Octopuses and their cephalopod cousins.
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So if you’re wondering what Panspermia is, it is a concept that says various form of tiny life might travel in space through rocks and could end up in some planet. If the creatures find a habitable planet, they colonise it. About Octopuses, the authors of the study think that cryopreserved eggs could have made their way in to Earth on icy bolides.. They said ‘This principle applies to the sudden appearance in the fossil record of pretty well all major life forms. Tiny multicellular critters in the form of eggs, embryos and seeds might have sprung to life on Earth after a voyage through space’.
So how close are they to proving this theory ?Apparently , very far.
The research offers no indisputable proof for panspermia in the case of Octopuses. Astrobiologist Frances West said he is very skeptical about the paper. He felt that some microbes could survive certain periods of time in space, but for Octopuses to have come to Earth that way , they would have had to survive in space for thousands of years.
Now you might be interested in this theory or not, but one good look at the Octopus and you know something is totally weird about it. They are masters of disguise, eight arm bodies, can go even hundreds of feet below sea, supposedly have some ‘intelligence’ to predict a football match result. So who knows ! Let’s keep waiting until scientists crack this.
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