When we lack nutriton, the body begins to ration the energy expenditure, so to sleep is one of the most efficient ways (as far as the body is concerned), to conserve energy.
A suggestion would be to have a high protein meal (two eggs – say), for the the suhoor – with some – but very little carbohydrate – indeed if possible, leafy green vegetables instead of breads and rice.
Also drink two, or three good glasses of water.
For iftar – again a good portion of protein say 150 grams of meat) and moderate carbohydrate.
Again three glasses of water.
Sleep quality
As well as maintaining sleep quantity over the 24-hour period, it is equally as important, if not more, to ensure that the sleep you do get is of good quality.
• Ensure your sleep environment is quiet and dark. Earplugs and eye masks work wonders for getting into and staying in a deep sleep.
• Diet is also important for sleep quality. Many people consume heavy, calorie-loaded and sugar-rich foods at iftar. These food types will significantly disrupt the quality of your sleep as your body will be trying to digest it when it needs to be sleeping and resting.
• Avoid very spicy foods. The stomach lining is sensitive post-fasting. Subjecting it to spicy food while breaking the fast will cause gas and heartburn, leading to disruptive sleep during the night.
• Avoid fried foods such as samosas, fritters and spring rolls. These foods are loaded with fat which the liver cannot process, so they are stored away as fatty tissue. They take a toll on the digestive tract and cause acidity, which in turn leads to sleep disruption.
• Avoid coffee and caffeine-containing products. Caffeine stays in our system for around seven hours so ensure that you take it at a time when you do not plan to sleep within the next seven hours. Many people feel that caffeine does not prevent them from falling asleep, which may be true, but it does affect your sleep quality.
• Avoid processed and salty foods, which are high in sodium and will cause dehydration.
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