The announcement of fuel price hike on Tuesday has made common people suffer the most high prices since September 2013. A wide range of protests are being organized by different political parties across the country, but that’s political for them.yet to see if the people get anything good out of that. So as of now low Petrol and Diesel prices are remaining a mirage. Then let’s think about what we can do ourselves to beat this massive fuel price hike. If we maintain our vehicle well, do timely services, keep economical speeds then surely we can cut the fuel cost. Here are 5 steps to boost the mileage of your vehicle.
1.Timely Service
While you give your vehicle for service, don’t forget to do the following things for simple maintenance:
*Regular oil change
*Check the tyre pressure
*air-filter change
*Spark plug replacements
Then while driving keep soft on brakes, that is no rough/sudden braking. keeping this in mind and acting according to that will strengthen your vehicle’s on-road life and also improve fuel economy.
See also:Central Govt likely to cut excise duty on fuel price
2. Make it in one trip
Every time you start your bike/car, you spark the engine and it consumes extra fuel. So when you go to and fro for maybe buying something that would have been brought in just one trip, you are wasting precious fuel. Make a list of the items to be bought, in the case of shopping, then try to make everything bought in just one go.Arrange your trip in such a way that all the important things are done in just one go.The more multiple trips the more fuel expense!
3. Keep the Ac on and shut the windows
There is a popular notion that keeping the AC on consumes the fuel more. But on the contrary, if you keep car windows open at high speeds it will hamper fuel efficiency due to increased drag. So shut the windows, put the AC on and travel.
4. Keep the junk out of the trunk
When you load your car with unneccessar weight, the car has to create greater thrust to haul you plus the extra junk. When you fill the trunk with junk it will result in the increased contact between the tyres and the road. This leads to higher fuel consumption. So keep the unneccessary junk out of the car and travel light.
5. Are you Fuel Economic?
Everytime you get your vehicle’s fuel tank filled, dont forget to note the litres bought and regularly keep a check on the distance travelled. Divide the miles travelled with litres of fuel purchased, you’ll get the mileage. If you find your vehicle as not fuel efficient, even after following the above 4 steps propably its a sign of upcoming engine trouble.
About changing the fuel price and making it common man friendly, you have our limitations. But for following the above 5 steps its up to you and you only.
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