Remember those creepy dolls in Hollywood horror movies? You never thought someone would make those to keep it in their bedroom, unless it is happening in a movie, but apparently the craze for creepy ‘werepups’ are quite high. Horror Fan Asia Erikson,34, is making quite a handsome fortune out of selling these pups.
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At the moment the demand for her creations have sky rocketed, so much so that she is forced to cancel some orders. The doll-like creations resemble a hybrid of a baby and werewolf and can take months of intricate work. Her pups sell for anything between 500 and 1000 euros.

The pups have real hair and looks very much alive. Asia explains the efforts behind creating each one of those pups. “It can take a couple of weeks to over a month to make Werepups and I usually have a few on the go at once”.

She said that getting the hair done is the most time consuming part. “It takes a long time to root the hair – each one is applied individually – and it’s certainly the most tedious part. They have real hair and they’re in silicone, so they have more translucency to the skin – it’s very life-like”.

Asia’s customers include even horror icons such as Alice Cooper and Robert England, known for his role as Freddy Krueger in the film Nightmare on Elm Street. But her customers look for these pups for a variety of reasons -such as to help themselves cope up with a terminal illness. Asia earns inspiration from such reasons connected to their everyday problems.
“People buy these for a lot of reasons: some people are just werewolf enthusiasts like me, but others buy them to represent a lost loved one or a pet. There are people who are going through terminal illnesses and have told me how much my work has helped them – it makes me very emotional to think about.
I can’t quite believe that I made something that means so much to people” says Asia.
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