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CBSE 12th Result 2018: Trivandrum Tops Regionwise List, Kerala Boy First in Differently abled Categories

The Central Board of Secondary Education declared the class 12 results this afternoon on the official website of the board- cbseresults.nic.in or cbse nic.in. The pass percentage has shown a slight improvement from last year, inching forward to 83.01 percent from last year’s 82.02 percent.

In the regionwise list, Trivandrum leads with a pass percentage if 97.32, closely followed by Chennai at 93.87 percentage. As it happens so often, the girls have recorded a higher pass percentage than boys and the difference is quite significant. Girls secured a pass percentage of 88.31 while boys managed 78.99.

See also: Awaiting CBSE Plus Two Results? Here are a Few Online Services to Reduce Your Stress

The topper is Meghna Srivastava of Step by Step School, sec 132, Taj Expressway, Noida with 499 marks out of 500. Anuoushka Chandra from SAJ school in Ghaziabad came second with 498 marks. 7 girls share the third spot at 497 marks.

In a tweet released later, CBSE listed the top three scorers in the differently abled category. Vijay from Palakkad Lions school in Kerala topped with 492 marks. Pooja Kumari from Model school of Visually handicapped in Dehradun came second with 489 marks. Lavanya Jha from DPS RK Puram in Delhi stood third in the category with 487 marks.

The CBSE Class 12 Result 2018 are available on cbse.examresults.net, cbseresults.nic.in and results.gov.in. This year, the CBSE board will also provide Class XII digital mark sheets in DigiLocker at – digilocker.gov.in – which can be accessed on mobile phones on Android and iOS platforms.



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