If you have ever watched a film of Zombies, at some point you might start telling yourself “Relax, this cannot happen in real life”. But then what will you think if the authorities of your city is sending you a message of ‘Zombie Alert’. Citizens of Lake off Worth in Florida had to face exactly that and that too in the midst of a power black-out.
The message read “Power outage and zombie alert for residents of Lake Worth and Terminus. There are now far less than 7,380 customers involved due to extreme zombie activity. Restoration time uncertain”. Here is the full message, take a look.

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Residents of the city was confused and terrified by the bizzare message that came around 1 45 am.
Local media outlet, Palm Beach Post reported the mention of ‘Terminus’ in the message was about a reference from the popular Zombie show ‘The Walking Dead’. Also it reported a post on community Facebook page had indicated that the zombie apocalypse message was unintended.
City Public Information Officer, Ben Kerr wrote “ We are looking into reports that the system mentioned zombies,I want to reiterate that Lake Worth does not have any zombie activity currently and apologize for the system message”.
Zombies are not of a real thing but Hollywood movies are any indication, they appear when you expect them the least! So who knows..
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