Signs You’re falling in love with the right person
Knowing you’re in love feels different for everyone. Some have been in love often and know the feeling well, and others may be not so sure if it’s love or just a deep infatuation.
Luckily, your body has some pretty sneaky ways of tipping you off to whether these feelings for your partner are more than just a passing phase. Keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs the next time you catch yourself wondering if you’re actually in love.
Signs of a Man Who Will Never Stop Loving You
- He or she is all you can think about.
- You love spending your free time with them.
- Every little thing reminds you of them.
- You don’t mind making small sacrifices or doing favors for them.
- Things they’d love stand out to you when you’re out shopping.
- Seeing their name on your phone gives you butterflies.
- Your friends are sick of hearing about them.
- Hooking up with other people isn’t even on your mind.
- You find yourself thinking of him or her before yourself.
- You feel like you’re almost addicted to them.
- Things that would normally annoy you don’t when it comes to them.
- No one before them really matters anymore.
- Even the most mundane tasks are fun with them.
- You worry about messing things up.
- Sex is more about being intimate than physical.
- Corny love songs don’t seem as corny anymore.
- They’re the first person you want to tell news to.
- You catch yourself planning ahead with them in mind.
- Everything feels right when you’re with him or her.
- You’re willing to try new things for them.
- You genuinely feel for them when they’re sad.
- You miss them as soon as they leave.
- There’s no one else you’d rather be with.
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