The petrol price hike in India has been creating a never before uproar in India, some
though politically motivated some others deliver the anguish of the common man.A
constant hike in the excise duties by the central Government 9 times and the adamant
status of some states including Kerala against the reduction in state tax, have
aggravated the issue.There are widespread misinformation being circulated in the media
which portrays India as the only country in the world which sells fuel at higher
price.But exactly, its not so.Lets check out 8 countries around the world which sell
expensive petrol.Before reading keep in mind that the average petrol price in the world
is Rs.79.86/litre, according to GlobalPetrolPrice.com
1.Hong Kong
The highest petrol price in the world is in the special administrative region of Hong kong.As per May 21, 2018, the petrol price there has been Rs.143.54.The oil prices are decided by China National Offshore Oil Corporation.

Paying Rs.141.94/ liter(May 21, 2018), the natives of Iceland enjoy the status of people who live under second highest petrol prices in the world.The competition between the companies are high and the difference between average price is as low as 1-3%.For the sake of advertisement, most companies drop prices at selected outlets.

The third highest amount is Rs.136.79/litre in Norway(as per May 21, 2018).Santander Bank on the analysis of Bloomberg Data has said that Norway pays 26% higher than the UK.

People in Netherlands pay Rs.131.33/litre.Dutch politicians have also made a break through resolution by voting to ban the sales of petrol and diesel running cars by 2025!May be this move will increase the sales of electric cars, which is currently at 10%.

As per data available as on May21, 2018, Danish people pay Rs.129.78/litre of petrol.The major oil giant in the country is Shell competing with eight others.The rise in the price of conventional fuels is also followed by a rise in the sales of electric cars.

Monaco is the second smallest country in Western Europe and is surrounded by France on three sides.Albeit a road trip friendly beautiful terrain, the residents have to pay 129.60/litre of petrol.

The seventh highest price of petrol in the world is paid by people of Greece at Rs.128.57/litre.The second highest rate of tax on fuel in the European Union is charged by Greece, that is 56.67%.Though the demand for the fuel has fallen, the price hike continues.

Israel people pay 61% more than the average fuel price, Rs.126.73/litre.Diesel price is 65% more than the world average.More than 30% of the Israeli fuel market is held by Paz Oil Company.

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