One cannot leave fasting because one thinks one may end up breaking the fast.
If one has fears that one could end up breaking the fast due to weakness then the first resort is to eat properly at suhur and exercise caution in one’s dealings throughout the day as to not put oneself into a position where one would break the fast. Having taken reasonable precautions then if something happens during the day that would allow one to break the fast then it can be broken.
The above would apply unless the fear has a sound basis, which is through obvious signs, past experience or the advice of an upright reliable doctor. If the fear has a sound basis then one may leave fasting for that day.
As for making up for a broken or missed fast due to sickness or weakness then one only needs to make up the missed fast after Ramadan without any payment.
[Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar; Ibn Nujaym, Bahr al-Raiq]If it is not known when a migraine headache will start, then one has to fast. If a migraine starts and results in unbearable pain and hardship then one can break the fast, and it must be made up after Ramadan. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]
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