Alcohol was long thought to be a ‘men’s thing’ and that notion was gone long back. But still the question remains who is the more worse addict ?Men or women ? A lot of studies done in the past revealed men to be the worser addict, but a new Research has shown that this is no longer the case. Women are now drinking more alcohol than men. The amount and frequency of the alcohol consumed by women have increased.

A part of the study focussed on alcohol consumption behaviour among family members. It was discovered that daughters are more than five times addicted to alcohol than their mothers at the same stage. The percentage of women alcohol drinkers too have increased seven times in ten years spanning from 2002 to 2012.
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These rapid increase can be attributed to the increasing role of alcohol in professional spheres. There is some kind of proportion between income, working hours and alcohol consumption. High stress levels could be forcing them to drinking.

Also in many culture drinking alcohol is no more a stigma. If youngsters drank hiding from their parents, there are families were everyone sits together and drinks.

Women’s body have a different reaction to alcohol than men’s. They have less water retention capacity, higher body fat percentage, extra fatty tissues that stores alcohol and all of this would mean that women can suffer from more health issues. Add to it the fact that women have lesser hormone that metabolises alcohol so they are more prone to absorbing it.
So if you are a women and you are frustrated over the findings of the research, may be it’s not a good idea to ‘drink’ out of your frustration.!
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