Latest study reveals why the younger generation is losing interest in sex

Although anything related to sex is sure to raise our curiosity, the younger generation, however, is in no hurry to have sex. Surprisingly, the millennials are waiting longer to have sex for the first time, suggested a new research.

The Department for Education of University College London studied 16,000 people born in 1989-90 (the millennial to be precise). The participants were tracked from the age of 14 years when they had started developing their knowledge about sex and anything related to it like virginity, masturbation etc.


The interview

The researchers interviewed the subjects in 2016 and came across a surprising conclusion. The research was conducted under the Next Steps project—which began in 2004 and monitors students attending schools across England—of the Department for Education. 

What they discovered
When the researchers analysed the data collected after interviewing 16,000 millennials, they made a surprising discovery—the number of young people (millennials) ‘waiting longer to have sex’ has increased as compared to the previous generation. They also found that one in twenty people were reported being virgin till the age of 26.
The reason behind their decreasing interest in sex
According to the study, the younger generation is losing interest in sex because of ‘fear of intimacy’ and the pressure they face in social media. The ‘social media pressure’ came from the fear of exposure the young people faced in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

?The chances of finding a partner decrease with age

The researchers also found that the chances of finding a sexual partner decreased with age. Around 90 per cent of the people who had lost their virginity had sex for the first time before they turned 19.
What experts think
According to experts, the younger generation has grown up in an atmosphere of hyper sexuality and has easy exposure (read social media, porn videos or movies etc.) to experiences surrounding male models with great stamina or women with perfect bodies. The fear of humiliation or rejection for their bodies, when they compare it with what they see on screen, can be one the reasons behind their disinterest in sex.