Albert Einstein is the probably the greatest mind of twentieth century. His theories, discoveries, inventions have changed the world for ever and continue to make us marvel about his prowess. But does that say anything about his attitude towards racism ?
In 1946, while speaking at an American College that was the first to give degrees to black people, he said ” Racism is the disease of white people”. But then he may have had the same racist ‘disease’ as others, as his diary entries which he wrote on his Asia tour indicate. The entries were made public recently.
see also: Indian Origin child touted to be the next Einstein
Einstein seemed to have believed that Indians were “bilogically inferior” and were hampered by the sub continent climate that “prevented them from thinking backward or forward by more than a quarter an hour”. Ze’ev Rosenkranz, the assistant director of the Einstein papers project at the California institute of Technology says Einstein’s comments are “in contrast to the public image of the great humanitarian icon”. He said Einstein’s comments about Indians, Chinese and Japanese clearly display a belief that that is “a clear Hallmark of racism”.
Einstein also believed that ” ‘the climate prevents them from thinking backward or forward by more than a quarter of an hour’, an attitude that reveals both Einstein’s belief in geographical determinism and in the Indians’ alleged intellectual inferiority,” Rosenkranz writes.
According to Rosenkranz, Einstein attributes the “alleged stoicism of the Indians he encounters to geographical determination [by asking]: ‘Wouldn’t we too, in this climate, become like the Indians?.”
But then it doesn’t stop at Indians alone, about Chinese he said “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races” and “I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthrals the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring.”
So is Albert Einstein really a racist ? We will never know, but there is enough in these materials that leaves many eye brows raised.
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