It was not too long ago that Indian railway installed bio toilets in all the train coaches but now they are planning to upgrade them to vacuum bio-toilets, just like in air planes. The Railway Minister Piyush Goyal said that to compete with the airlines, replacing the bio toilets with the latest version was one of the plans Railways had for upgrading its amenities.
see also: Indian Railways launches two passenger friendly mobile apps to improve services
“We have started experimenting with vacuum bio-toilets like those in an aeroplane. Some 500 vacuum bio-toilets have been ordered and once the experiment is successful, I am willing to spend money to replace all the 2.5 lakh toilets in the trains with vacuum bio-toilets,” Goyal said.
Bio-toilets have been so far fitted in 37411 coaches at the cost of 1 lakh per toilet. There is a plan to install 18,750 more such toilets which would take an estimated cost of 250 Crores.
“By March 2019, we will be 100 per cent on bio-toilets, which in itself is a big achievement. The tracks will be cleaner, the smell will go away and rail renewal will be reduced,” Goyal said.
The new vacuum toilets which will cost 2.5 lakh per unit will be odour free and cut down water usage by 1/20 of the current numbers.
“As prime minister says, now a person in hawai chappals can also afford to fly. It is a matter of great pride for this government that we are empowering the poorest of the poor. I also believe that it is great for the railways. This kind of competition will perk up the railways and improve our levels of service. As responsible public servants, it is our duty to give full satisfaction to the customers,” Goyal said.
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