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These are the foods you should never eat on an empty stomach

These are the foods you should never eat on an empty stomach

1. Tomatoes.

Image result for Tomatoes.

Although tomatoes are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, they combine with acid in the stomach and cause pain, increased acidity or reflux.

Also, it is not recommended to eat citrus fruits on an empty stomach if you have problems with the esophagus or ulcer.

2. Carbonated drinks.

Image result for Carbonated drinks

It goes without saying. Carbonated drinks on an empty stomach? In no case. Studies have shown that they increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. One such water contains almost 10 teaspoons of sugar.

This will increase the level of sugar in the blood 8 times more if you drink it on an empty stomach.

3. Puff pastries.

Image result for Puff pastries

If you like breakfast with puff pastry, then it’s time to stop and think about it. Such goodies are full of yeast, which can irritate the walls of the stomach and cause flatulence.

4. Spicy food.

Image result for Spicy food

Spicy dishes can cause irritation of the stomach and damage to the mucous membrane due to elevated levels of acid.

Spicy food can also cause gastritis. Do not eat it on an empty stomach.

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5. Sweets.

Image result for Sweets

Like carbonated drinks, sweets can also sharply raise the level of sugar in the body and damage your pancreas. People suffering from diabetes, the more should avoid temptation.

6. Yogurt.

Image result for Yogurt

Do not be surprised. Yogurt contains sour-milk bacteria that are healthy. But if you eat yogurt after fasting, the gastric juice will simply kill most of the beneficial bacteria.

This means that all the benefits of yogurt just disappear. Drink yogurt after eating.

7. Pears.

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If you are wondering why such a useful and tasty fruit was on the list, then read on. Fibers in the pear are too heavy for an empty stomach and cause pain in the stomach.

They can also damage the mucous membrane of the stomach. But if you mix pears with oatmeal, then there is nothing to worry about.


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