Strongly coming out against Sangh Parivar propaganda media person Abhilash Mohanan came out with the proof for RSS founder Hedgewar discouraging some freedom fighters from fighting for the country. Abhilash Mohanan, as a reply to the BJP leader Shiva Shankarapillai, said that RSS founder Hedgewar dispirited those who wanted to fight for the freedom of India, during last day’s ‘Editor’s Hour’ program in Reporters Chanel.
He made the statement quoting from the second SarsanghachalakMadhavv Sadashiva Golwalker’s book.But the BJP leader refuted the claim and strongly said that if Abhilash proved that, he would stop his political work.
Amidst the argument, Abhilash showed some papers as proof for his statement which was discarded by Shivashankara Pillai saying that the papers were not part of the original book.In continuity to the argument, on the next day, the BJP leader met him at the studio and re iterated that whatever he told was not factual.
Abhilash told through a video that he consoled the BJP leader that he would check once again and bid adieu to him. But the person who came with the BJP leader stealthily recorded their talks in a hidden camera, said the media person.
The RSS cyber groups released the video with a heading which read like ‘blatant lie by the media person to shut up BJP leader’ through Facebook.
After noticing this propaganda and umpteen abuses through comments, Abhilash Mohanan decided to reply to it by posting the images of the relevant pages from the book ‘Sriguru sahithyasarvasvam’ published by the Kurukshetra Publications from which he quoted during the talk show. Along with that he also posted the Hindi version.
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