The blood group of the people who are O positive is biting mosquitoes against other people. And do not leave them chasing all night and on the same people who have blood type B and A, they do very little to cut mosquitoes.
Who have O-positive blood group, mosquitoes bite more because of this. That blood of mosquitoes loves the mosquitoes more than the extent and the mosquitoes are very much liked by their bloodshed. This is one reason why people whose blood type is O-positive kill mosquitoes very much.
These are the major reasons for mosquitoes bite some people more than others
Clothing Color
It’s true, mosquitoes have discerning fashion taste. Or at least, they’re more likely to spot you as a target if you stand out from your environment. Dark colors, especially, will attract more of the insect.
Similarly, the more you move, the easier you are to identify as a living, breathing, vessel full of delicious blood.
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Carbon Dioxide
This is another reason pregnant women are at a disadvantage. Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide using a special organ called a maxillary palpfrom as far as 164 feet away. Since everyone emits CO2 simply by exhaling, it comes down to relative amounts. Unfortunately for mothers-to-be, pregnancy causes women to emit 21 percent more CO2. This is also why kids are often safe from bites, when bigger, more CO2-emitting adults are around.
Alcohol Intake
On the flip side, pregnant women are (presumably) avoiding another mosquito attractor: alcohol. Although it’s unclear how mosquitoes go about detecting the presence of ethanol, studies show that drinking even just 12 ounces of beer will significantly increase the attention you receive from the pests.
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