Here are a few simple tricks which can help you cut down about 500 calories from your daily diet, effortlessly:
1. Have A Bread-Less Sandwich
2. Go For Black Coffee
3. Carry Homemade Juice
4. Chew Slower
5. Finish Your Dinner Before 7PM
6. Eat In Front Of A Mirror
7. Use Smaller Plates
1. Have A Bread-less Sandwich
Yes, you may be wondering how a sandwich can be made without bread, right? Well, instead of using bread, you could just put in the ingredient used to make sandwich, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, meat, etc., inside a healthy whole wheat thin chapathi!
Bread contains more calories than thin chapathis. So, you could cut down up to 500 calories for 2 sandwiches, if you go bread-less. However, ensure that you use healthy low-fat ingredients inside the sandwich.
2. Go For Black Coffee
If you are a coffee lover, who needs that cup of coffee every morning to even start being productive for the day, you are not alone! Many people love coffee and it does have a number of health benefits.
Drinking just black coffee, without milk or sugar, can help you cut down around 500 calories, if you drink 2-3 cups a day, as milk and sugar contain a lot of calories and fat!
3. Carry Homemade Juice
It is quite common for most people to be tired and feel the need to rejuvenate and refresh oneself, at least a couple of times a day, especially if they have busy jobs. So, many of us opt for energy drinks or canned juices, which contain a lot of calories and sugar.
Instead, you can carry healthy, sugarless fruit juices from home, which are not contaminated, as well as contain less calories. This is another way to cut down around 500 calories.
4. Chew Slower
Research studies have shown that people who chew on every bite of their food slowly, tend to eat lesser, as chewing slowly tends to make a person feel fuller, quickly. This is because more saliva is produced when we chew slowly and when the saliva reacts with the digestive fluids when it reaches the stomach, it creates a feeling of satiation.
So, chewing your food slowly can help you consume about 200 calories less in each meal of the day, totalling to around 500!
5. Finish Your Dinner Before 7 PM
If you are someone who has the habit of consuming food or your dinner, after 7 pm, then, it is time you change this habit and start having your dinner early.
This is because, a recent Japanese research study has found that people, who have dinner late in the night or snack late at nights, consume about 500 calories more, as their metabolic rates are higher at that time. So, you can cut down up to 500 calories, if you finish your dinner early.
6. Eat In Front Of A Mirror
Yes, as bizarre as this tip may sound, eating your meals in front of a mirror is known to help you consume fewer calories, especially if you are trying to lose weight.
Studies have shown that eating in front of a mirror makes a person feel more self-conscious about their weight and will encourage them to eat lesser, thus allowing them to eat fewer calories, without even making much of an effort!
7. Use Smaller Plates
This might be a very obvious tip which can help you eat lesser and also allow you to cut down around 500 calories per day (about 200 calories for every meal), yet it is a very effective tip.
When we use smaller plates to eat our meals, we put in smaller servings of food, thus decreasing the amount consumed without much effort!
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