As WhatsApp is trying its best to curtail the spread of fake news on the social media platform, unauthorised messages continue to fly thick and fast. After messages claiming that the Narendra Modi government will be distributing free cycles to ‘boys and girls’ on August 15 went viral, newest ones say that they are also going to give away free helmets and scooters.
The messages which are circulated on WhatsApp says that under ‘Pradhan Mantri Sadak Suraksha Yojana’ the government will also be distributing free helmets and free scooters under ‘Helmet PM Yojana’.
The recent message in Hindi can be translated to read: ‘Considering the rising number of road accidents, the central government has decided to distribute free helmets’.
Also Read: Real Facts Behind the News Pradhan Mantri Cycle Yojana to Distribute Cycles on August 15
The helmets will be distributed in schools nearby you. It also gives link to a non-existent website (http://helmet.pm-yojna.in) Just like the previous fake message on ‘free distribution of cycles’ this WhatsApp forward also has a note which says: ‘Please forward this message to your friends, relatives and WhatsApp groups you are a part of, to ensure everyone gets to avail the benefit’.
The website asks users to register for the scheme by filling in your name, father’s name, the name of your school, the class you are studying in, address and the state you are applying from. After filling in the details, a pop up asks users to forward the message to 10 more people to complete the process.
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