Bollywood actress Richa Chadha recently began shooting for ‘Shakeela’, a biopic on the life of the 1990s’ adult South superstar from Kerala who featured in several adult films in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada languages. Directed by Indrajit Lankesh, the film is currently being shot in Tirthahalli, a small town in Karnataka.
The first look of Richa is now out.
In the pictures, Richa can be seen flaunting a traditional look in a white Kerala sari, Kasavu Pattu.
“The challenge for the look of the film but also a good one is that the story traces the journey of Shakeela’s younger days to her becoming a popular figure. The looks span over years and years and with each passing time her look changed and thus to show that is challenging but also for me as an actor its gratifying that I get to grow with the real character on celluloid.” Richa Chadha said.
“Shakeela is still a legend and we wish to do complete justice to her when the film is ready,” she added.
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