Friendship is a relationship that has been cherised since ancient time. From Bible to Ramayana, all our holy books have some or the other instances of friendship. A person who understands you better is tough to find. That warm feeling, sense of comfort, silly fights, arguments and that love after the patch-up. Aren’t all these feelings amazing? Friends are someone on whom you can completely rely on.
You know they are there no matter what goes wrong with your life. Human beings cannot survive without friendship and by this, it doesn’t mean a bond between two humans. It can also be friendship between a human and an animal or a man befriending nature.
Actually, friendship is something which we seriously need in our lives. We have presently confined our idea of friendship. Imagine how peaceful the world would be if warring nations become friends or two cultures come together. Won’t this world be a beautiful place to live in then? On this Friendship Day, let’s commemorate this special relationship that is the source of our happiness.
What date do we celebrate Friendship Day?
Though most of the countries celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August, in April 2011, the United Nations marked 30th July as International Friendship Day. Friendship Day is not celebrated on first Sunday of August all around the globe and this is because all countries have different histories. While most of the nations like India and USA celebrate it on the first Sunday of August, others like Peru celebrate it on the first Saturday in July. In Argentina, we have Friend’s Day on 20 July.
What day is International bestfriend day?
We have lot of friends but there is one special person whom we call our best friend. Remember giving him/her two toffees while you gave just one to the rest during your birthday celebration in school? June 8 is celebrated as National Best Friends Day. Well, there is no particular day to cherish this wonderful bond but in case you want to make your best friend feel special, this can be the day.
How is International Friendship Day celebrated?
International Day of Friendship is observed on June 30 each year. It is a United Nations day to portray the role of friendship in promoting peace and harmony among people and cultures.
You can celebrate Friendship Day by exchanging flowers, gifts, card or whatever you or your friend likes. Well, if you are the one who doesn’t believe in materialistic things, then even a warm hug and kiss will serve the purpose.
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