After initiating a lot of debates with his controversial opinion about BJP creating a ‘Hindu Pakistan’, Shashi Tharoor has followed it with something similar. The Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram wanted to know why PM Modi refuses to wear a skull cap. He was addressing a seminar in his constituency.
Speaking at an event in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday, Tharoor said, “Why does the PM, who wears all sorts of headgears from across the world, refuse to wear a Muslim skull cap? Why does he refuse to wear the colour green, which in his view is a colour of Muslims and wearing the colour amounts to Muslim appeasement?”
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Tharoor was speaking during a seminar titled ‘Standing up to hatred: Intolerance and violence in contemporary India’. He said communal incidents in the name of Cow Vigilantism has increased since the time BJP came to power and said that Modi had not come out openly and condemned the issue.
“Not once has the PM spoken immediately after these incidents (attacks on minorities in the name of protecting cows) to assure people that he disapproves of this violence. The perception that then goes out is that if the PM does not speak, he does not mind these things. This emboldens the perpetrators,” Tharoor said.
Tharoor also said that if Swami Vivekananda was alive today, he would have probably been attacked by right wing goondas. “I am convinced that if Swami Vivekananda were to come to today’s India, he would be the target of these goondas. They will bring engine oil to throw at his face and will also try to knock him down on the streets because Vivekananda would be saying, respect people. He would say humanity is more important. We are Hindus in the Vivekananda tradition, not in the Savarkar or Golwarker tradition,” he said.
This was said in reference to the attacks on social activist Swami Agnivesh by right-wing activist in Jharkhand last month.
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