While selling fake goods under branded items name & logo is a serious offense, this man was not jailed for that.
A man from Delhi’s Karol Bagh area was sentenced to serve a period of one month in jail in a case of selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton Malletier products.
He was, in fact, jailed for lying under the oath of Court, and also levied a fine of Rs 2,000 on him.
Justice Manmohan said as the man had admittedly made false statements under oath, the court was of the view that it struck a blow at the rule of law and no court could ignore such a conduct, which had the tendency to shake public confidence in the judicial institutions because the very structure of an ordered life was put at stake.
The court further added that the man’s contempt of court would poison the fountain of justice.
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The man, who had his shop running at Karol Bagh, in his testimony had stated that never did he sell any branded products.
Local commissioners appointed by the court, however, on visiting and inspecting the man’s shop found quite the contrary when a stock of more than 34 different brands’ 500 counterfeit products was recovered from the shop.
The court said that the perjury committed by the man prejudices and/or interferes and/or tends to interfere with the due course of the judicial proceeding and/or obstruct and/or tends to obstruct the administration of justice. It added that it would be a great public disaster if the stream of justice is allowed to be poisoned by anyone fabricating false evidence or falsely stating things in a court of law.
The fountain of justice has to be kept pure and clear and anyone trying to spoil its purity must be dealt with severely. The loud and clear message should pass through the people that no one is allowed to interfere with the due course of judicial proceedings or administration of justice and undermine the dignity of the court, added the court.
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