Most schools have the standard guidelines, for example, being dressed, appearing on time, and being peaceful in the classroom.
- No Shoes
- South Korea made a rule that before going to the toilet, they should carry toilet paper with them.
- The dominant part of secondary students in South Korea needs to wear a uniform called a ‘gyobok’. From the beginning of middle school and up the uniform is entirely checked and students must wear one. The uniform, for the most part, comprises of a shirt, coat, and tie, with skirts for young ladies and long pants for young men.
- In most public schools, the school is cleaned by the peons but in South Korea, there is a school rule that the students have to do this and they are they have to not only worry about their studies but also the cleaning of the school.
- Students are required to study 12+-hour Saturdays and other long days of study. Students attend classes from 7:30 AM, and then it’s lunchtime at 1:00 PM. At 5:00 PM school ends and self-study or special classes begin. At 7:00 pm there is dinner at school for one hour and at 8:00 PM self-study continues.
- Sleeping is really not permitted in any schools in the world but in South Korea has really Bizarre rules when it comes to schools and learning and they it’s actually allowed to sleep during classes in South Korea. A survey was conducted that found one-third of students in South Korea sleep during class. In fact, it’s a normal thing to see 10-30 students napping in the class
- As we all know that in other countries like the U.S. High Schools, there is a dance at the end of the high school year called a prom dance or as it’s sometimes called, ‘homecoming’ where students groom up and they get a date and head to what many say is one of the most important and memorable time of the end of your high school year.
- All the schools all over the world have different punishment systems to maintain discipline. A lot of different things can happen such as ending up in detention or worse, having to stay after school and write 1000 times.
- Mostly in the schools around the world, they have a summer holiday and some of those include the fact that it’s way too hot to sit in a classroom and do schoolwork, but South Korea has different rules and they restrict vacations.
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