We have all seen those exam answer sheets which has the stupidest answers for the question, but then you will really want to step back and appreciate the creativity involved. You see them very often in Kid’s answer sheets, sometimes they come out of innocence and sometimes very deliberately. Here we bring you 10 creative answer sheets with ‘intelligent’ answers.
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This one seemed to have done it purposefully. Nobody can be that stupid!
Well, they wanted a ‘brief’ explanation. This cannot get any shorter!
This may not be intentional, for most people, this is the opposite of ‘original.’
At some point, we have all made this joke
Some people would agree with this answer
Now whats wrong about it, Lol!
That was quite a shortcut
This must have taken him some time to do
What else can Bob have after eating so many candies?
True. Deserves A+ For Creativity
So easy to find, isn’t it?
So which one did you like the most? Do let us know
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