Deepika Padukone was recently spotted and clicked by the paparazzi and while the actress was looking as flawless as ever. Isn’t the case, Deepika was spotted in the city last evening and her ‘RK’ tattoo was still intact with no modifications whatsoever.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding rumours keep surprising us every now and then with different elements. Recently, it was speculated that the Padmaavat actress will modify her RK tattoo ahead of her wedding with beau Ranveer but the actress was spotted in the city sporting the same old tattoo.
Also Read: Man Covered in 90% Tattoos Removed His Penis, Testicles & Nipples
The ex-couple fell in love on the sets of Bachna Ae Haseeno and after dating for two years, they called it quits. On the chat show of Karan Johar, Koffee With Karan, Deepika also revealed that Ranbir had cheated on her on many occasions.
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