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SHOCKING!!! ‘Under Influence’ Dad Kills Only Son In Front Of Wife

A man in his fit of rage had killed his only baby boy in front of his wife.

25-year-old Maycon Salustiano Silva shot his 6-month-old baby in the chest as his wife refused to have sex with him.

Silva, at the time of the incident claimed that he was drunk & under the influence of marijuana and didn’t remember anything.

The incident occurred in the wee hours of Wednesday morning after fighting with his 20-year-old wife, at their home in Luziania, central west Brazil.

Baby Michael was pronounced dead by the hospital 2 hours after the incident.

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According to the police, Silva had come home after his drugs & drink binge when he woke up his wife and demanded sex from her. She refused saying that she was tired.

Silva became irritated her & physically assaulted her. Amid the quarrel, he walked off to allegedly get a drink of water & came back with a gun threatening her, but then pointed it at their baby demanding if she believed he had the courage to shoot their child. He then allegedly shot the boy at point blank range.

The young couple, who have been together for four years, was described as ‘lovely’ and the ‘ideal couple’ in social media messages posted previously by friends. Michel was their first child together.

Silva, who has no criminal record, was arrested and charged with manslaughter and the illegal possession of a weapon. He is also accused of domestic violence.

The mother was questioned by police and freed on the grounds she was not involved in the crime.


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