In a major twist to the brewing controversy over Bollywood actor Sunny Leone’s visit to Bengaluru, Karnataka Rakshana Vedike on Saturday clarified that their protest is only against Sunny Leone donning the role of Veeramadevi in the multi-lingual epic action film due for release in the first week of October.
The Karave Yuva Sene, an offshoot of the pro-Kannada group Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (KRV), reiterated that it will oppose any involvement of actor Sunny Leone in the upcoming Tamil film and also protest against her performance in Bengaluru scheduled in November.
Speaking to reporters in Bengaluru, Harish, the state secretary of the Karave Yuva Sene, said, “She (Sunny Leone) should not be acting in the film Veeramahadevi at all costs. We are going to protest her presence in the film as it is against our culture. We will also protest against her wherever she comes.”
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