Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palanisamy meets Prime Minister Narendra ModiĀ in New Delhi on Monday.Media reports had suggested the meeting could pave the way for an electoral understanding between the AIADMK and the BJP in the state.
Soon after meeting the prime minister Palanisamy said that ” decision on a possible alliance between his party AIADMK and the BJP, which is ruling at the Centre, will be taken only after the announcement of dates for local body polls in the state.”
“In our meeting with PM today, we have put forward a demand to accord Bharat Ratna to ‘Amma’ and Arignar Anna (CN Annadurai). We also demanded Chennai central railway station to be re-named after AIADMK founder MG Ramachandran,” he said.
“We need funds to implement various welfare schemes in the state. Keeping our financial position in mind, we will decide on reducing fuel prices in the state,” he added.
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