Kangana Ranaut is one of the hottest actresses in the Bollywood. She is all set to hit the silver screen once again with her upcoming film Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. Recently, a wrap-up party of Bollywood film ‘Manikarnika’ was organized by its makers in Mumbai. The one who grabbed all the limelight was Kangana Ranaut.
Kangana Ranaut was looks ravishing in a golden shimmering dress. It was a transparent dress and her inner clothes were visible in it. It was a gold embellished SS19 slip dress designed by famous fashion designers Gauri and Nainika. The dress featured floral applique and flared hem.
Kangana paired the sequined, spaghetti-strap dress beige pumps and retro curls. She matched her makeup to the blooms on her dress by picking a deep red lip color and oxblood nails. Elegant vintage waves completed her look for the evening.