Rahul Easwar who was in the forefront of all the activities to maintain the traditions of Sabarimala intact and prevent women from entering the temple had revealed his Plan B yesterday. If young women entered Sabarimala, “a team of 20 was ready to shed blood in the temple by making a cut in their own arms. This was our plan B,” said Rahul Easwar. ” If the abode of Ayyappa is made impured by blood or urine, the temple can be closed for three days without anybody’s permission. Considering this possibility, the team of 20 was standby. Even in the days ahead, such a team will be ready to do the same at Sannidhanam”, Rahul Easwar had said. Now Media Person K J Jacob has come out openly asking the government to start an investigation on Rahul Easwar’s revelations.
Jacob said that Rahul might as well have a plan C and that this needs to be investigated. “Eashwar said their initial plan was to hold protests against the verdict by chanting mantras when the temple was opened for the monthly rituals on October 17. If one were to assume that this was plan ‘a’, and the spilling of blood was plan ‘b’, and given the impact plan ‘b’ would have on millions of Ayyappa devotees, the government needs to investigate the plan ‘c’,” Jacob said in his Facebook post.
“A person going around bragging about his plans to defy the verdict of the Supreme Court of India, which is the law of the land, is an act of war against the state,” he added. Check out his Facebook post:
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