After their grand engagement ceremony at Italy’s Lake Como, Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani is all set to tie the knot with Anand Piramal, son of Ajay Piramal of the Piramal Group, this winter.
Earlier, a source had revealed that Isha and Anand’s pre-wedding celebrations will take place in Udaipur during the weekend prior to their wedding.
Recently, a video which apparently features Isha and Anand’s wedding invite is going viral on the internet. The luxurious invite includes a picture of Gayatri Maa and also has golden memorabilia for the guests. Check out the viral video below.
The wedding invite is magnificent. It is a pink floral box with four small embellished boxes inside. And one of the boxes has the image of Goddess Lakshmi on it
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