Malayalam actress Neha Saxena became the victim of indecent behaviour on social media recently, but the lady gave it back very well to the person on the other hand. Neha Saxena is a Mollywood actress who gained popularity through her roles in Mammootty starrer film, ‘Kasaba’ and Mohanlal starrer Munthirivallikal Thalirkkumbol.
A man messaged her P.R Manager to inquire if she is available for a one night stand. For which she gave an epic reply. She messaged back saying, “Let me take to media now and make you a little famous. The way you treat women.”
She took a screenshot of the Whatsapp message and posted it on her official Facebook page. Initially, she wasn’t able to track who the person was, but later she succeeded. Neha Saxena requested her followers to help her to find the man. Within hours the man was traced along with his profile on social media. He is an employee in the UAE.
Neha Saxena also remarked that she feels pity for the man because being married to another woman, how could he behave in such a way. She also added that there should be no more ‘Me Too’s.
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